The China Study


[custom_frame_left] [/custom_frame_left] Referred to as the "Grand Prix of epidemiology" by The New York Times, this study examines more than 350 variables of health and nutrition with surveys from 6,500 adults in more than 2,500 counties across China and Taiwan, and conclusively demonstrates the link between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. While revealing [...]

The China Study2012-11-12T22:46:45+02:00

Healthy at 100


Why do some people age in failing health and sadness, while others grow old with vitality and joy? In this revolutionary book, bestselling author John Robbins presents us with a bold new paradigm of aging, showing us how we can increase not only our lifespan but also our health span. Through the example of four [...]

Healthy at 1002012-08-16T17:49:18+02:00

4 Steps to Breast Cancer Prevention and Risk Reduction


Lately I have been coming across an increasing number of Jordanian women with breast cancer. Usually environmental exposures that they thought negatively affected their body come up in the conversation. Genetics and pollution are two of the most oft mentioned. But during our meetings the many other culprits connected with breast cancer are hardly brought [...]

4 Steps to Breast Cancer Prevention and Risk Reduction2012-07-18T14:45:56+02:00
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