The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine


The most comprehensive and practical guide available to the extraordinary healing powers of natural medicine. From the world-renowned naturopathic doctors and bestselling authors of The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods comes the authoritative third edition of the classic reference work, revised and expanded to include the latest cutting-edge natural therapies for the most common ailments. Michael Murray and [...]

The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine2012-08-16T17:51:41+02:00

Of People and Plants


[custom_frame_left] [/custom_frame_left] ents. Its comprehensive appendices describe Messeque's preparations for the principal chronic diseases and provide recommendations for the seasonal and nutritional use of plants for optimal health. Instructions are also given for growing beneficial herbs and vegetables and for gathering wild medicinal plants. This autobiography, flavored both by Messeque's rich French heritage and by [...]

Of People and Plants2012-08-16T18:04:03+02:00

Between Heaven and Earth


[custom_frame_left] [/custom_frame_left] Two of the foremost American educators and healers in the Chinese medical profession demystify Chinese medicine's centuries-odl approach to health. Combining Eastern traditions with Western sensibilities in a unique blend that is relevant today, BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH opens the door to a vast storehouse of knowledge that bridges the gap between mind [...]

Between Heaven and Earth2012-08-16T18:10:21+02:00
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