The Impending Tsunami of Millimeter Waves


MD Hussain Haider  (   Currently about 9 billion devices, mostly cell phones, are connected to cellular networks worldwide (1). Growth in personal cellular connections is slowing, but overall growth of connected devices is set to explode: by 2025 industry analysts estimate 25 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) and [...]

The Impending Tsunami of Millimeter Waves2020-02-21T19:09:47+02:00

Why vegetable oils are much more deadly than cigarettes.


Why vegetable oils are much more deadly than cigarettes. By David Gillespie March 14, 2017 Big Fat Lies, Vegetable Oils Smoking and vegetable oils cause disease via exactly the same mechanism. We don’t force our children to smoke, so why are we forcing them to consume vegetable oils? People who smoke are up to six times more [...]

Why vegetable oils are much more deadly than cigarettes.2019-02-27T17:50:31+02:00

Vitamin D lowers risk of cancer death, fish oil reduces odds of heart attack, study suggests


Vitamin D lowers risk of cancer death, fish oil reduces odds of heart attack, study suggests New VITAL study is the first large test of both supplements in the general population Thomson Reuters · Posted: Nov 12, 2018 12:55 PM ET | Last Updated: November 13 Vitamin D tablets are displayed in New York on Nov. 9, [...]

Vitamin D lowers risk of cancer death, fish oil reduces odds of heart attack, study suggests2019-02-27T17:24:07+02:00

Women Who Wear Makeup Absorb 5 Pounds of Toxic Chemicals Per Year


The average woman puts 515 synthetic chemicals on her skin every day. 60 percent of what we put onto our skin is absorbed into our bodies. Emerging research on the sheer volume of toxic chemicals entering women’s bodies through their cosmetics brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “it hurts to be beautiful.” The [...]

Women Who Wear Makeup Absorb 5 Pounds of Toxic Chemicals Per Year2018-04-21T09:58:10+02:00

Toxic Laundry Detergent Ingredients to Avoid


Conventional laundry products often contain toxic chemicals that can harm you and the environment. Use our guide to help lighten your load. While they may make your clothes smell as fresh as a spring morning, conventional laundry-care products often contain chemicals with negative health effects ranging from skin and throat irritation to carcinogenicity. In fact, [...]

Toxic Laundry Detergent Ingredients to Avoid2018-01-22T10:11:06+02:00

When Gut Bacteria Change Brain Function


Some researchers believe that the microbiome may play a role in regulating how people think and feel. By now, the idea that gut bacteria affect a person’s health is not revolutionary. Many people know that these microbes influence digestion, allergies, and metabolism. The trend has become almost commonplace: New books appear regularly detailing precisely which [...]

When Gut Bacteria Change Brain Function2017-12-31T10:23:19+02:00



Our homes are filled with plastics, and most of us don't really know what they're made of -- or whether they're safe. EWG has put together these tips to help you choose better plastics and plastic alternatives for your family: Why you should pick plastics carefully. How to choose and use safer plastics. Finding safer, [...]


Nearly Half of US Deaths Can Be Prevented With Lifestyle Changes


Death is inevitable, but premature death can be prevented, say health officials. In its first report calculating the number of these deaths in the U.S. that can be avoided, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that tens of thousands of lives can be saved, mostly by people making changes to their lifestyle. [...]

Nearly Half of US Deaths Can Be Prevented With Lifestyle Changes2017-08-21T09:55:40+02:00

Scientists Discover That Water Has Memory


Not till long ago humanity has looked at water as something to just feed and nourish your body with, as something plants need to grow and give us food. We use water for cleaning and various mechanical help. HOWEVER, what scientists have just discovered may actually be The Discovery of The Millennium, and the turning [...]

Scientists Discover That Water Has Memory2017-01-25T16:49:45+02:00

Canola oil is the biggest hidden health ‘danger’ at the prepared food bar


Canola oil, or rapeseed oil, is one of those ubiquitous oils used in restaurants, delis, even organic food stores for baking and the deli bar. It’s cheap, plentiful and nearly all of the canola oil you buy at a regular grocery store is genetically modified. But that’s not the only reason it’s not good for you, or your [...]

Canola oil is the biggest hidden health ‘danger’ at the prepared food bar2016-12-27T17:53:58+02:00
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